Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A tribute for his: “Poetry and Writing Escape”

A tribute for his: “Poetry and Writing Escape”

Paid me a visit yesterday
It kindled the fireOf my imagination
I was licked by its flames
Which did not burn me
It just heated my desire
To start again
* * *

"I wrote this poem over 7 years ago.When I had just discovered the joys of writing. When I discovered poetry." from the blog of .: A :.

Read the whole content here

. : A : . kbown by his blog English August is one the blogs that you can truly find an escape. His creativity, his poetry is strings of tunes for those who read his page. I for one whenever I visit his blog I do not only get amazed but his words, it sweeps my soul. I’m sure there many more beside me, had also found an escape through .: A :. words and writings and for sure the number of visitors commenting on to his work is no doubt a proof.

His words remain to be beats of life lingering in silent atmosphere. Every poem and every essay a true innovation where creativity is boundless. English August Blogspot exceeds the merit being one of the excellent poetry and writing blogspot. Its great honor to feature some of his work, the sparks of his words had allowed us to touch the fountain of his soul and get glimpse of person even though he prefers to remain a silent voice.

In tribute of his excellence work, it’s such an honor to feature some excerpt of his work with his consent. (Please click on the title to read the whole work)

Writing is an escape
"Sometimes writing is an escape. It can take you away. From where you are. But not always to where you want to be. Because when you are writing intensely, you let your writing carry you away to where it wants to go. And you have to follow. You submit to it. That is when I find I can write the best of my stuff. The submission is important. You have to let yourself go. And it is tough. Particularly the first time. It is not easy to let go and let your writing control you while you remain a mute spectator to it.
Going with the flow.
Yes, writing is an escape."

And in another world
Things happened differently
The way they were
Supposed to happen
And in this world
Things happened differently
The way they were
Not supposed to happen

When heaven opened
At first
The light trickled
When heaven opened
The light spurted
When heaven opened
The light gushed
When heaven opened

It seems I can not end this trribute, so passing on to each of those who had been touched by the work of art of . : A : . and I emphais that his poetry and writning is indeed a timeless work of art.
So join me by adding your words overe here in trbute of . : A : .

Changing lights
The light
Can change
Your perspective
(All the photos, peotry and write up published in here are the copyright of .:A:.)

TO .:A:. by Feminine Expressions

"english, august is a force in the world of poetry blogs, a leader displaying delicate creativity and tender depth. his audience is dedicated to his work.

i took great pride in the day early in my blog-writing that i discovered a: had given his site a link to my own at feminine expressions. (after five months i still consider myself new in the blog-writing world, though i write two in toward consciousness and feminine expressions.) my connection with his site brought me a deep sense of honor.

his use of a comma between english, august has givn me cause for study. is he an english fellow and august as well? (this, my favored explanation, as he truly does inspire awe and reverence.) is his last name english and his first name august? (as in smith, robert.) i have wondered if this be true, as he then refers to himself as a:.

there is always an edge of uncertainty in my interpretations of a:'s writing, causing me to go deeper, giving me various pathways of exploration (life is the same). his art is as rich as his craft.

english, august is more than a skilled artist but is also a significant support among the beautiful poets who read his words. he is faithful to attending their own beauty and leaving his footprints on their paths.

my congratulations to english, august for the accomplishments recognizing his efforts and for the wealth of spirit he creates in a virtual world.


Blogger diana christine said...

english, august is a force in the world of poetry blogs, a leader displaying delicate creativity and tender depth. his audience is dedicated to his work.

i took great pride in the day early in my blog-writing that i discovered a: had given his site a link to my own at feminine expressions. (after five months i still consider myself new in the blog-writing world, though i write two in toward consciousness and feminine expressions.) my connection with his site brought me a deep sense of honor.

his use of a comma between english, august has givn me cause for study. is he an english fellow and august as well? (this, my favored explanation, as he truly does inspire awe and reverence.) is his last name english and his first name august? (as in smith, robert.) i have wondered if this be true, as he then refers to himself as a:.

there is always an edge of uncertainty in my interpretations of a:'s writing, causing me to go deeper, giving me various pathways of exploration (life is the same). his art is as rich as his craft.

english, august is more than a skilled artist but is also a significant support among the beautiful poets who read his words. he is faithful to attending their own beauty and leaving his footprints on their paths.

my congratulations to english, august for the accomplishments recognizing his efforts and for the wealth of spirit he creates in a virtual world.

5:28 AM

Blogger AJ said...

I like A's use of photography to point up his words. An evocative image helps the imagination kick in. Now, if he would just tell us what "A" stands for.

9:43 AM

Blogger Lorena said...

i for one am one of his biggest fans!! he writes of moments like magic. i love seeing things through his eyes and his writing of parrallel universes is captivating. i'm always happy for the escape that english, august's blog provides. it's great that you highlighted his talent. he is amazing.

great post nasra :)

3:01 PM

Blogger AmitKen said...

I've been a dedicated reader of English August, for more than a year now, and his writings never stop fascinating me. :)


2:12 AM

Blogger educatedunemployed said...

I first came across English August,while browsing over some random blogs.It struck me though that neither were his words random nor was he.

I had read few of his comments ,before I finally got to his blog.The whole 55 words poetry is what really caught my fancy.It was my introduction to profound use of simple words.I have seen him encourage other writers.And needless to say,they have all come up with fantastic expressions as well.

Reading his work,his ideas,have been inspirational.I have tried my first attempts at poetry.Some thing I never thought I could.It isn't important to me,what class or calibre I have.What is important is that I have made an attempt.That has been a huge achievement for me and I owe it to blogs like those of English August.

I enjoy his style of writing.There is a magnificent use of simple words,expressing complexities of life.I don't know if he comes up with such beautiful poetry because of personal pain or that is his artistic excellence.But I have been very touched by his words.

Thank-you Nasra, for providing this platform to express my feelings.My congratulations to English August, for achieving such excellence and for taking the whole blogging concept to another level.

12:19 PM

Blogger camera shy said...


certainly has a way with distillation

never divergent

words dutiful to his
as sharpened

1:23 PM

Blogger Erin said...

I am so happy to see that someone has publicly recognized the talent that .:A:. has with words and photography.

What he creates is always well worth, not only the time you spend reading, but the time you spend thinking afterward. His posts always leave me (and others as well apparently) feeling pensive, introspective, and inspired.

Congratulations .:A:.

1:31 PM

Blogger Cold Cut Ten said...

Thanks for featuring this Nasra. :) That is indeed an excellent blog with the most beautiful writing.

3:42 PM

Blogger shyloh's poetry said...

I think everything has been said about this poet. He is magical in his own way.

5:41 PM

Blogger {illyria} said...

thank you for doing this tribute. it is beautiful and well-deserved.

3:26 AM

Blogger Shankari said...

When I first chanced upon English August a couple of months ago, I felt, "Uups, another wannabe". I couldn't have been wronger than that.

Poetry is an expression of the self and its true purpose (as said by one of the greatest poets, Donne, is to delight. So there is something intensely personal and delightful about the poetry I read at English August. It touches a chord, reminds me of things as they were or may have been or have never been for me. And yet, even when I don't find the personal connect, I am always assured to a technically flawless poem.

And for this chance to say all this, I thank Nasra. (But I wouldn't be so sure of the poet's gender!)

4:54 AM

Blogger Russell Ragsdale said...

We all read his blog, we all are drawn to his restless insights. This tribute is perhaps the way to tell him thanks for all the good he has shared.

9:29 AM

Blogger Jeremy said...

hey-just to let u know finally got round to adding a few more poems, lots more to come when i get chance to type them up.

hope you are well.


3:56 AM

Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

.:A:. is a master of the suspended moment -- those brief periods in time when everything slows down and then (for an instant) stops, giving rise to a brief, but profound, moment of clarity.

His simple, elegant style both reflects this quality and brings it about.

His work can take you to new places in your mind. But, they often seem quietly familiar, due to the clarity and simplicity of his writing.

One might be tempted to associate this ability with some kind of gnostic revelation, because of its ability to impact and provide clarity. No doubt, .:A:.'s work is inspired. But my guess is that it is .:A:.'s subtle, humanistic observations of the "small" moments of this world, combined with a craftsmanship that knows the value of clarity and elegance, that brings this about.

Thanks again, .:A:., for sharing all of your work.

: )

8:20 AM

Blogger Sue hardy-Dawson said...

A always combines his unique vision with beautiful pictures often these sit in your mind and bring back his words

11:41 AM

Blogger Cecilia said...

Everyone's already said it all. I am happy to know that A's been featured in here: he's one of my favorite blogging poets. Surreal yet so real, that he is.

7:21 AM

Blogger iamnasra said...

I got this e-mail and I want to share here:


I came across your blog today and was quite glad to have found it. Well, poetry happens to be one of my interests as well. I write a blog at http://vidyanjali.blogspot.com. It'd be nice if you could care to visit it sometime.

And those interviews which you have put up are very honest, simple and straight (which is why I like them!).

Hope to hear from you soon,

11:41 AM


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